haha, REMT2 and performance module officially over. the test assessment today was.. DAMN tiring. we moved all the equipments from Comtech/Studio D to the auditorium. then supposed to set up the stage. and because we were doing PA for the first group, we had to set up the whole damn stage, 4 of us. somemore was still like quite half asleep. then our turn to perform. i quite liked it (: but dunno how it sounded in the house. hope it wasnt too bad! hahaha. i'm gonna miss Wrong Signs. because there's not even a recording of the song to listen to, except for the assessment review in the school's video cam.. :( haha. and that was the end of our performance and remt2! woohoo.
and feb11, a special day to remember. hahaha. went to Nihon Mura for sushi! but i was like damn full so only ate 2 plates -.- hahaha. then after that went to our usual hangout, Marina Square. sat and rubbishified. hahaha. pictures!
Thanks Darlingg for being so sweet, as always (: i promise i'll wear the shirt, on random basis :P
P.Osh brownies i got them for VD in advance, heh
HAHAHA and you have to see this. probably the MOST unglam shot of zaki that you'll ever see. HAHAHA :P
okay okay and here's the proper one
and the "surprise" brownie they bought me back -.- hahahaha thankew ah (:
okay Harbin report. i damn tired now yawns -.-