Thursday, August 15, 2013


Super inspired today. First principle study lesson and composition workshop of the year, I knew it was gonna be good. Well although it means stress is kicking in, but it's also an awesome feeling to be back on track.

1. Belinda's teaching principle study hell yeahhhhh!

2. String Quartet from New York coming down to play our works in October!!

3. Composition Workshop in KL also in October!!!

So looking forward to many other upcoming things. But before all that, I need to crash in bed. So damn tired after a longggg day. Whoop!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

In This Moment

So it seems the 3-month break took a totally different turn from what's planned. Points number 1-4 in my previous blog post 2 months ago have failed..

The one thing that I have done and spent my entire break focusing on is A Cappella. Performed so many shows with the mates that I kinda lost count, think it was on average 1-2 shows each week. AND we got silver for aca champs!! Also done few arrangements for the group and some transcriptions. Was a darn good time (: On top of that, am working part time for The A Cappella Society so point 6 has been fulfilled too.

On another note, there is some sort of possibility that my dream of opening a music school may work, in conjunction with a larger project.. Hoping for the best!

Year 2 in Lasalle begins tomorrow, and I'm hoping to be able cope work and school. First lesson of the year is Recording techniques hmmm. God please give me determination and enthusiasm to keep going!!

Till the next post (:

"Make bigger choices, take courageous risks. Live you life, be in This Moment" - Dick Costolo

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Back to Reality

So this May was quite a crazy one, totally sank into holiday mood after recital on last day of April haha. It was class chalet, then the week after was my little birthday date in sentosa, then followed by the ultimate hong kong trip once more. It was quite crazy indeed haha I don't even wanna count how much my bank has depleted..

But now it's time to get back on track, and back to reality. I have two months to make a difference, and to determine if this break is a fruitful one or a waste of my time. Now the things I've to do/accomplish: 

  1. Practice for vocal exam!!! Too little time bleah.
  2. Study for theory grade 8!!
  3. Record the songs done last semester properly with sandy, and possibly do some covers hehe
  4. Write at least one proper piece
  5. Get our aca team to a greater height (aca champs, maybe?), and maybe arrange some stuff to sing
  6. Work and earn to save
Damn it sounds like too many things to do. Cannot afford to lose focus sigh. 

Sometimes, on just a few occasions, I do wonder if there is a possibility that I don't do music in future, not as a profession at least. Maybe I can work at the airport and check in people's luggages and deal with their boarding passes, like quite fun hahahah. Then I slap myself awake in my mind and switch on the "reality" mode again. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Still rather stagnant blog here :/ I mean, with twitter today I barely have to even type anything here. But I thought doing this once in a while helps me keep track, especially when I read back my posts months or even years later :p

So yeah, time flies so damn quickly that my first year in lasalle is ending in a month's time. Curriculum time is way too little anyway -.- Oh well. This semester I've written few more pieces: a string trio, a percussion solo, and currently working on 2 more pieces. Sad to say that up till now I have not found any clear direction in my composition route. I have honestly learnt alot of stuff over the year, and to a certain extent even struggling at absorbing the knowledge. I feel enriched at moments that I learn new things, while depressed when my compositions don't turn out the way I wish for them to be..

Oh did I forget to mention? School's booking system is so horrible, with guests that are constantly invited from overseas, we don't even get a proper room to have our performance and recordings. Just looking at the pictures with the guest musicians in that small terribly ugly room is just depressing. Pay so much fucking school fees and don't even get proper facilities. Zzz okay done ranting. 

My life's like a roller coaster ride now, with lots of ups and downs, emotionally and physically. Gradshow 2013 was a few weeks back and I got nostalgic and started to miss everything in dmat again.   Sigh. 

Music, where will you lead me to?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy CNY!!


And this year, I have two resolutions:
To Focus in everything I do, and to strike a Balance amongst them. 

May this year be a great one for everyone, stay healthy and happy! (:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Light

Yippieeeee!! Feeling happy today because I finally acted upon my thoughts of taking up classical vocal training. And singing repertoire from musical theatre! Starting with a piece from My Fair Lady. 

Although idk where this will take me, but I'm quite sure my Voice is gonna be my principle instrument. I love singing the most, anyways (:

Have been inspired by many people these few weeks, people who made me understand the reason for making music. And I saw a whole new light as to what exactly is Music; it's not just about the type of music I like to listen to. At the same time, I'm really put off by some others, who refuse to accept new things and remain narrow-minded about what they think is Music. Well, I would think it's not my concern that it hinders your musical growth in that sense, but don't insult a serious musician, and if you do it pisses me off REAL bad. 

On a brighter note, am currently writing for a string trio! Musicians from YST will be coming down for a workshop whereby they'll be playing our works. Hahah writing for real musicians' really different from just sequencing the sound in Logic and then scoring afterwards. Really interesting to learn about the instrument itself and the techniques! Hoping the piece will turn out great :D

Alright then, till the next post! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First post of 2013

2013, currently I'm in the third week of a new semester. I've also received my results for the previous semester and they turned out to be rather demoralizing. The numbers look demoralizing, but they are apparently the "normal" range in Lasalle.

The system goes like this:
70-100 : A
60-69 : B
50-59 : C
40-49 : D
And 40% is the passing mark for all modules.

With this system, I fall mainly into the B&C category. Imagine how demoralizing it has be seeing 50-60 odd kinda grade, and all of us are getting such numbers. Bleah.

So with that I told myself, I'm gonna buck up and do well this semester. Everytime I re-listen to my compositions I wonder, what exactly am I doing? I have fallen below my expectations and it does not feel good.

Oh yes and I shouldn't be wasting time posting this, get back to work! Till the next post!