7th September 2010. A rather bad day. argh
went out shopping the whole day with only 20 bucks. we spent the whole day from 12 noon all the way to 10pm, shopping from far east all the waaaaaaaaaay to marina square. by feet. legs dying already now. hahah.
today's the 7th day of the month, but our timesheet havent got approved. the whole afternoon i was just panicking and checking the website, and finally cannot tahan and decided to call the school. hopefully it is settled and the status of the approval on the website now doesnt matter anymore.
after that, we were walking and laughing like crazy and i stepped on a puddle of vomit. *pukes*
then received a fucking weird call apparently from hongkong. it sounded quite real, but it's too good to be true. 卫视中文台, Venetian Hotel, DHL. all sounds quite reliable but there seemed to be loopholes. i'm now damn worried about what's gonna happen tomorrow. argh fuck. i just hope nothing bad happens and if i need to get punished for my momentary greed it'll just be the amount spent on that 20min international phone call.
peixiu, stay calm and dont do foolish things tomorrow. good things dont appear out of the blue. dont let the greed overtake that rational mind. be smart. RAHHHH.