Friday, August 20, 2010


so i'm at my fifth day of ITP now. waking up at 530am for the past few days.. kinda got used to it already.

but the worse part is that, it kinda made me really feel i'm not cut out to be a teacher. well, im not as interactive as them, im not as approachable as them, and i cant quite express myself well. i mean, it's known im a dao anti-social person. so htf do i become a teacher.

im quite worried about what's for me in the next 7-8 weeks to come. im excited to do lesson plans, but not to teach or handle a class. so far did relief for two classes, only goes to show i really dk how to handle.

and guess what? gonna have to do some performance for assembly. BIANGGGG :( hahah but the whole school's gonna go crazy over zaki :P hahah which alot of them already are. woohoo.

okay. gonna get ready for one last lesson in 30 mins, and im done for today WAHAHA

a teacher imparts knowledge
a good teacher are nannies of the children