wow, she just made it seem like my past 2 years of intense music, and well audio(nothing really much to complain about this) education has totally gone to waste. i mean, i know it didn't of course, but at that very moment, and up till now, im feeling like that. sigh :(
for the past 2.5 years, besides doing a diploma in music and audio which is already a huge amount of time spent, vocal and guitar lessons both also for 2.5 years. KAY's stuff? i feel like my entire life now is just surrounding music. but don't get me wrong, i love what i'm doing, and i love how my time is spent. but i'm not seeing the results i wish to.
my singing's said to be 刺耳, irritating to the ear that is, and that my control isn't good. therefore i have to throw away whatever i've learnt and start from basics. alex, is this really what i should do?! for 2 years you trained me to sing out sing bright, now i need to throw that all away :( sigh. i'll stick with choosing simple songs with small vocal ranges, that's not a problem, but asking me to throw my techniques, cannot :(
and yeah. currently just very demoralised. but not gonna give up whatsoever. damn i'm an emo girl now :(