Tuesday, May 19, 2009

something seems to be wrong with me today. im abnomally tired. like for no reason. slept quite early last night, so no reason to be so tired. but ya i am. met clarice in the morning for breakfast, the standard routine every week. hahah. midi now is like >_<>

gosh, lotsa work to complete. music theory is priority now. presentation on friday, damn stress lah. then there's new midi assignment plus undone work piled up, and then heard that need to complete storyboard by next fri for DVPT. and i still wanna rush to record the song. AHHH. going crazy. hahaha. need to start to make full use of time. 

hahah primary school "gang" everyone's attached! how cool's that :DD haha left with me now. quite sad, but no, somehow im not too affected by that :D hahah.