Music as a career. what is my viewpoint?
well obviously i support it. otherwise i wouldn't be in DMAT. but then many say: music is just a hobby, a leisure activity. its hard to earn from it. or rather, you need to be real good to make money out of it. there are many many many people who study music in this world. but how many of them actually make it big? its unlike things like business, where you can venture and many will do big in different areas. but music is just different. you do well, or you dont. and only those at the top are those that are considered good. and also, its about luck. some can dedicate their entire life into doing music but dont get anything much in return, while others can just get spotted and given the chance to progress in that area. i guess its just that way.
why do i get intimidated when i hear that so many people of the same age group as me doing great in the music industry? because its competitive? because im afraid i wont be as lucky as they are, or as good as they are? its not about not having confidence in myself, but its the fact. how many people attempted to do music but failed? isnt that a very scary number? it just lowers all the hopes of trying to do well in it.
however, enjoying music is important. even if i dont get earn money with it, or even if a can make big bucks out of it one day, i know i wont regret. because music is a passion. what matters most is not what you get out of it, but the process. so why care if i want to make it a career or just for leisure at this point? because at least i know im enjoying what im doing. okay maybe not so much of the sound engineering part, but the performing part of music (:
zhihui, the last para is specially for you (: