Saturday, 19 January 2008
what the fuck, now my mood sucks because of the stupid manager of mine. really hate my job sia, wanna quit like now now now! rahh. sucks big time. oh wells. dunno why i was just so dumb to have taken this job.
anyways, today kerr and anggg came over to my place for about an hour or so to pract. LOVE LOVE LOVE (: haha. then after that was guitar class, i believe both kerr and i found it boring. haha. then met lao shi for a while and he gave us comments and advices. so in the end anggg and i are also taking part in open stage solos. haha.. borrowed one of their rooms for practice, which we need to get everything done by thurs for lao shi to touch up here and there. haha. then went on for dinner with daddy at MOS BURGER -.- at bugis. so dumb. haha
rahh, still feeling down. will someone cheer me up? o.O